
Shoot one

To get started with taking photographs of people that we didn't know for this project, our class went out for a couple of hours in the afternoon, asking strangers in shops, cafes, libraries, and in the streets of our local area if we could take their photograph. I found it difficult to approach people that I didn't know at first, however, after asking a few people it began to get easier. Many of us got a few rejections from people that didn't want to be photographed but overall, most were friendly and willing.

I chose to go into a fabric shop for this induction, as I liked the way all of the rolls of fabric were arranged behind the woman inside. I explained that I was a student photographing local people for my project and she seemed happy to have her portrait taken, although she appeared to be quite busy and in a bit of a rush. The lady stayed behind the desk in shop and carried on rolling up the fabric in front of her, whilst glancing up at me to have her picture taken. I think that the way her arms are positioned out in front of her works well, and the eye contact shows a connection between myself and the subject.

Original image

Changed to black and white

Although it is almost impossible to know who you are going to be photographing and how people will react to you taking photographs, I think it is important to know what you want your subject to be doing/standing/looking like, so that you can direct them and put them at ease. I feel that this experience has helped me a lot with how to approach people/what approach works best and what doesn't, how to control the situation and direct the subject, and perhaps prepare for different lighting conditions, as some locations may be darker than others and fill flash etc may be needed. 

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